Making and creating worlds can often times seem not such a difficult task, especially when we do not ponder on the scope of the necessary skills needed to do so. One would easily come to such a conclusion based on the plethora of fiction which is available to us nowadays, be it in the form of novels, comics, movies, and series which are often only a push of a button or a click away.
This could also be seen in the example of children, granted on a much less complex level, who do it all the time, whether they have an imaginary friend with whom they go on fantastical adventures, tell a story one day which is clearly a compound of the many they have seen before, or when they make their toys, even self-made ones, part of an adventure, giving them names and personalities, however simplistic they may be.
Yet, as it could be said about any other work of art, fictional stories and the worlds they exist in can vary from masterpieces, depicting worlds so immersive that the audience has no choice but to suspend their disbelief and be transported to another dimension, to, mediocre or pale attempts at cashing out on a narrative tool which has been booming ever since ''The Epic of Gilgamesh.''